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The List

Why you mean a lot to me

One Saturday, I was sitting in a cafe and listening to my favourite playlist. All of a sudden, I felt very overwhelmed by our precious relationship. So I put together this list — the list that merely captures how grateful I am to have met you.


1. You make me feel safe and secure.

2. You make me feel comfortable to show all sides of myself.

3. You recharge me and help me find joy at work when I am most drained.

4. You make me feel proud of myself on what I have achieved at work.

5. You give me the best and most precious memories at work.

6. You inspire me to rediscover about myself everyday.

7. You give me courage to accept who I am and not be scared by myself.

8. You make me feel good about myself.

9. You remind me of my strengths and how to best use them.

10. You show me my blind spots.

11. You are my constant reminder on how I can improve my weaknesses.

12. You remind me to be less judgemental about myself and the world.

13. You show me that I can embrace and appreciate individual differences.

14. You turn boring things interesting.

15. You make me sad easily but you also make me happy even more easily.

16. You teach me to enjoy the moment and take life lightly.

17. You teach me to laugh over difficult moments.

18. You make me feel silly.

19. You open my eyes to see the bigger world.

20. You show me possibilities in life so that I can look forward to the future.

21. You make me feel less scared of growing old.

22. You make me brave.


23. You make me feel accepted even when I show the darkest and weakest side of myself.

24. You give me chances to confess my flaws.

25. You choose to stay when I try to push the world away.

26. You make me experience deepest intimacy when I am at my deepest vulnerability.

27. You give me motivation to walk out from my cave.

28. You unleash my potential.

29. You stir me up to become stronger and better.

30. You remind me where this strength comes from.

31. You make me constantly reflective.

32. You make me learn about something new everyday.

33. You remind me what is truly important in life.

34. You give me chances to reconnect with people I care a lot.

35. You give me chances to practice lessons that I had forgotten.

36. You give me chances to learn the hardest but inevitable lessons in life.

37. You make me learn how to face loneliness.

38. You make me learn why waiting is so important.

39. You make me learn to let go of things I can’t control.


40. You make me understand that I have to love myself before I can love someone else.

41. You make me understand what faith truly means to me.

42. You make me understand that trust is not built upon what you see, but what you believe in.

43. You let me experience how wounds are healed by love, not actions.

44. You help me understand why forgiveness can be so easy when done with a right mindset.

45. You make me less scared to be hurt.

46. You reassure me that love has been and will always be the foundation of my life.

47. You give me the chance to give my fullest to love someone.

48. You make me see how mistakes and weaknesses can be turned for good and into greater things.

49. You show me what it means to be emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically connected, which is beyond a relationship status.

50. You make me feel thankful to be alive.

Thank you, Andy Dumb Lee, my favourite 10 out of 10.

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