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If you feel extra lonely today

Hello my dear, how are you?

I am finally feeling slightly better - the sore throat is not as bad as it was. But I might still need quite a bit of time to recover.

Today is Father’s Day, and it feels quite different for me this year. It is probably the first time that neither my brother nor I are spending it with our dad, because he’s in the UK. In the past, it’s almost our family tradition that my brother and I cook up a meal or get some really nice sashimi for dinner celebration. We did make a call to him today, just to chat and see how they are doing.

I wouldn’t say that I “miss” my parents. Afterall, I don’t see myself as being genuinely close with them as I rarely open my heart to talk with them about myself. I also wouldn’t say that I rely on their physical presence. But perhaps it is on an occasion like today, I do get this strange and empty feeling that they are not physically around, spending the night together like we used to.

I wonder if you would understand that, since you’ve been away from home for many years?

My dear Andy, if today is a day that you feel extra lonely, or melancholy, no matter what the reason is, please imagine that I give you a really big virtual hug. Remember that I am always here for you ❤️‍🩹

I still look quite sick today, but here is an old selfie that I took at the coffee shop I visited in Dundee, so that you can imagine this is how I look as I give you a big hug 🫂😊

Love you.


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