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My day 3 in Taipei

Today is my last day here, I always wear long pants whenever I am flying even though Taipei is really hot. I like this hotel that I stayed at this time, the morning light shining through the window is really nice and romantic, unfortunately I am staying here alone.

I met with my old friend today again before heading to the airport.

As I write here on my flight back, I am already thinking about my next trip that is only in 1.5 weeks’ time - this time, it will be a way longer and further trip to Paris and the UK, and I am definitely going to be way more anxious and stressed about that trip.

I always pick a window seat whenever I take a flight. I often get emotional easily when the plane takes off or lands, but that is also when I like to reflect and hear what God has to say to me as I look out to appreciate the view.

I know that I fly a lot compared to normal people (to a point that I can actually upgrade my CX membership to silver, not counting the times that I am not taking CX), and people probably find that envious. But if anyone truly knows me, or at least God and I myself know deep down, that all I want is to be in somewhere that I can feel ‘safe’. Sometimes that ‘safe place’ is being on my bed hiding inside my blanket, sometimes it is being far far away from anyone in the world (like when I ran to Dundee), sometimes it might even be lying on a hotel bed anywhere in the world.

And if I am being completely honest with myself, when I keep saying that I feel tired of travelling (yet I still keep travelling), perhaps what I truly mean is that I keep going from places to places in order to feel ‘safe’, and it has been tiring and frustrating to be in such mental space.

But it is also as I look out to the window tonight, I feel God’s gentle comfort to me, telling me that it’s okay - no matter where I go, alone or not, he will always be here with me to explore and search for that ‘home’ I am trying to look for until I find an answer.

A very blurry shot.

One of my favourite photos I took from this trip. Hug.


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