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Hello, how are you?

I miss you a lot these days.

I have been coughing a lot, especially at night. So I haven't been sleeping well. And sometimes when I started coughing , I couldn't control the cough and my breathing, I would almost vomit.

Yesterday I had a meeting with Vincent and I couldn't speak halfway through the call because I started coughing so badly and I cough whenever I tried to speak. Luckily he understood and asked Howe and others to speak for me.

The sickness affects my emotions too I feel. I am a bit worried because I had this kind of cough before too and I had to use those asthma inhaler before. I am also worried because I have a presentation in person to Stanley on Friday, I definitely can't do it if I still cough like now by then.

But even though I do feel worried, I feel this is a small lesson that God gives me to learn to rest. I think he would want me to rest too when I am sick rather than pushing my limit and forcing myself to work. As for all the things that I am anxious and stressed about, like the presentation with Stanley etc, I know that God knows my limit and I can be in peace that things will eventually be sorted out. I mean, the worst scenario is that I can't present and maybe Vincent will do it for me, haha.

I hope I can feel better and write some 'better' content for you here soon. I miss you a lot and I hope you are doing okay.

My slightly better sick look + my pills

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