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I missed you a lot yesterday. Watched 2 of your digital rav videos. Even searched some Scottish accent videos.

I was supposed to meet a uni classmate today, but he told me he couldn't make it this morning. I don't meet people at all except when going to school. And now even this one single time it's cancelled. I really tried but I guess the world is just totally okay without me.

I feel the same about my friends in HK. I must have been such a bad friend, perhaps a burden so no one wants to check how I've been doing, except maybe one friend.

I don't blame people for disappointing me, the very sad truth may also be that they will never be enough to help me out of my dark cave anyway. So it's too much for me to even expect them to try.

I genuinely hope that you're feeling way way better than me these days. Hope you're just busy with your ups. Miss you very much

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