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Hello, I miss you a lot.

I got a (good) news for you: I got a distinction on my dissertation :) I also scored the highest in class in the presentation :) and I think I am graduating with a distinction too :) Are you proud of me? I hope you are proud of me. 🥺

Do you know how hard it was to push through work and dissertation and depression and all the travelling at the same period while missing you a lot? It was really hard.

I am very grateful because it really isn't something that I could achieve with my own strength. When I felt all alone and that I couldn't go any further, God always comforted and walked by my side in unique ways.

My business trip is starting tomorrow, flying to Thailand early morning. I am still feeling unsure and stressed about the trip. Amongst everything I am most worried about my mental state. I hope I can manage it well.

Miss you, a lot a lot a lot.

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