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51st post

Wow. Can't believe I've been doing this so persistently. It has also been 70 days since we last met. I sometimes wonder if this is enough to prove how much I love you. Perhaps it's not.

Here's a photo of me finishing my first day of class.

Class was okay. It's a mixed feeling for me because when the professor tried to give a lecture, I feel what she's saying is too fundamental for me. But when she starts talking about all the projects and connections we have to do and make over this course, it scares me quite a bit.

I mean I don't know. All of my classmates have a creative background. Yet I still find it hard to summarise what I did before. Was I doing advertising? Or content marketing? Do I want to be a producer? Or creative director?

Anyway. We got toured to all the creative studio / workshops at school today, like fashion, ceramics, photo studio etc. It definitely felt like going to a playground, everything looked amazing.

Of all of them, the photography and moving image studio were the most unforgettable for me. Imagine you be my videographer and we get to shoot for my projecf at my school.

So I went back to where I lived, watched the 'how to shoot b-roll' digitalrav video. (Been watching one each day for the past week) I loved when you said the words 'sexy' and 'shoot shoot shoot' I had to replay those bits.

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