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Hello. I had a full day schedule today in London because it’s my friend (the real gay best friend)’s birthday. I accompanied him to the London Zoo, then we had a picnic in Parliament Hill, and had a Japanese dinner.

I don’t know why he wanted to go to the zoo in London but it’s actually pretty good. My favourite is this piggy in black and white. It also makes those pig noise which is super funny. It reminds me of you mocking them, and the pig is sooooo lovely like you hehehe. You are my favourite piggy.

Then we went up to Parliament hill. This was where they filmed the last scene of Eternals. I really like the view and it reminds me of us going to the country side park for the camping shoot. That makes me miss you very much and really want to come here with you.

After that we went back to the city centre for dinner. l looked at this photo again as I went back to Kingston after dinner, and I just thought London is absolutely beautiful.

It’s now end of August and I think as time goes longer and longer, I wonder even more about where you are at and how you (and your family) have been. Maybe you have gone through a lot and life hasn’t been easy. If that’s the case, I feel sad and sorry that I haven’t been on your side to support you physically and give you comfort with my magic stroke. I hope through what I have been writing, at least you will always know that there is always someone here for you, and have her door wide open for you anytime anywhere. And if you’ve been doing okay, I am glad that you get to feel better. I hope that you find your internal strength over time and you will be able to get stronger and find your way day by day.

I love you a lot Andy, no matter where you are, what state you are at. I just want you to not forget that. And I want you to know that in my heart you will always be that amazing special person who I described in that list ‘why you mean a lot to me’. Thank you for being my strength.

I think I looked very ugly today even I tried to take 5/6 versions of selfie 🥲 Here’s the best one I’ve got, I don’t even want to look at it 🙈

I am going to Ikea tomorrow to look at furniture for my new apartment while waiting for feedback from reference checking. Hope all goes well and I can sign the contract soon. Good night.

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