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(You may ignore this post if Father’s Day isn’t a big deal for you)

How was your weekend? You must've been busy. Hope you aren't too stressed.

Today is Father's Day, I don't know if you ever celebrated these 'days' but even maybe if you rarely did, I am sure the world made sure you remember your dad today, so just wanted to check in and see if you're okay.

If you're doing okay, then I am glad and perhaps can ignore this post.

If you're not okay, I am here for you. I may not have experienced the same loss as you, but I know how it feels to be 'triggered' or reminded by the world about something that feels like a pain to you.

For me, I used this day to reflect on my relationship with my dad including what I shared with you in our call. I was reminded again to never cease to be who my dad wanted the 9 year old me to become when she grew up, someone kind and loving. I hope you had time to think of the question I left with you too, who do you think your dad would want you to be.

I don't really know what else to say because I no longer know how exactly you're feeling or what you're going through. But I'll always offer you a big hug no matter you're in your up or down or just busy in life.

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