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Just letting you know my schedule for May here so that you know which timezone and location I'll be at.

May 1 night: Hong Kong -> London

May 6 night: London -> Taiwan

May 10 night: Taiwan -> Hong Kong

May 14 night: Hong Kong -> London

I should be in London for the rest of May until at least June 6.

My Taiwan trip is a business trip which I've been delaying until Vincent suggested the FOURTH times...

For someone like me with mental struggles, it's such an understatement to say I feel overwhelmingly scared and stressed about all these travels and tasks given to me. All I can tell myself is God believes that I can do it despite all my weaknesses and inadequacy, I'll choose to trust that his grace is sufficient for me to get through everyday.

I'll be doing all these trips alone, no company. So pray for me if you will. I definitely need a lot of peace, courage, and strength.

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