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Andy :( đŸ«‚

I heard from Lovey that you are in Scotland because your dad is doing not good. I actually saw from the website last night that you were in Singapore and then you are in London. It freaked me out a little bit but I also knew the location of the website may not be accurate.

I am very sorry to hear that :( I feel very worried about you because you must be feeling difficult and stressed with everything that’s going on. I also feel very sad that I can do nothing for you, aside from trying to live a ‘life’ here and write all those irrelevant words to you. I am just so sorry that I am unable to do more because I am being blocked away. If you need any help, just anything, even financially, I am always ready to help you. I can come up to Scotland if you want me to, I can let you stay at my new apartment once it’s ready (next week) if you need a place to stay, even got a car that I can drive you or you can use, I can assist you with your freelance work if there’s any, I can take care of you if you need me, as long as you ask.

I am putting my 100% will to remind myself not to seek you in any way, but it’s definitely not easy to control the urge. But if that’s better for you so that there’s one less thing for you to take care of and worry about, I will stay still here and just quietly walk along with you in the shadow as I continue to write to you, until one day you reach out to me when you want to. I thought of opening up the comment function on the website but I worry that you might get emails and stuff if you use your gmail account to leave comments, and your emails might get checked.

With nothing else that I can do, I will pray hard for you and your family. You know that even though you and your family except your dad are not Christians, God still listens and answers to our prayers. I pray that God will heal any wounds and sickness, physical or mental ones, in everyone if that is His plan for your family, He will put hope in you and your family’s hearts, and that you will find comfort and peace.

I love you a lot a lot Andy, sending you a lot of virtual hugs, transferring you all the power and strength that I have including the special power of my expressive eyebrows.

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