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I went to another exhibition over the weekend, this time with a friend. This exhibition features a short film and I was attracted by the cinematic colors of it. It looks like something that you would have done beautifully.

I swear I was not posing, my friend just happened to capture these nice shots of me.

Today I attended church online, and I reflected a lot on the message as he talked about anger and rage.

The Bible never said that feeling angry is wrong. But what anger naturally leads to if we don't consciously manage it within ourselves, is that it grows into festering and eventually revenge.

As I looked into my heart of the past week, I feel that there has been a lot of anger and bitterness within me. To make sure that they don't grow into a desire to revenge and hurt people, is I think what God wants me to learn. To let go of trying to take over control to get what I want, and let Him do the work.

As much as I desire you to come to me, I don't think I'll want you to one day show up to me because you feel guilty for the pain you've caused me and you feel you are obligated to make up for it.

What I desire is that one day, when you have figured out what is best for yourself, and that you are ready to prioritise and love yourself, and that you still feel the same for me, these things will become a motivation for you to come to me.

Because as you already know, I have not changed my mind about you, not at all, not even a bit. You are loved.

PS: Attached a photo of me procrastinating on my homework

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