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Big hug

Hellooo, I am writing in Pret after having lunch alone. My parents and brother weren’t hungry so I thought I’d just come out by myself to have some alone time. Have been eating outside for every meal in the past few days so I wanted to have a salad today (Very not me).

Sitting here reminds me of you saying that one day I will see someone who looks familiar sitting in a coffee shop :)

I am still trying to adapt everyday. Now that I’ve been here for a few days, I think Kingston is a pretty nice place to stay. It’s very convenient (you can basically find everything in the town centre) and it’s just 30mins away from Central London as well. It’s also not super crowded or too quiet, so it’s a good balance. It’s located along Thames so you can also just sit and relax when you want to, which is what we did yesterday.

So now I just desperately want to find a place and settle down as soon as possible, so that I can actually start ‘living’ here. Especially with my parents with me, I have to accommodate their needs and requests, but it’s not always that easy. For example, my mom really wants to cook and has to wash clothes, and my dad hates walking and he always needs to rest so he can’t be far away from the car or travelodge. I just think it will be much easier if there’s a ‘home’ here so everyone can just feel more comfy.

I’ve been viewing a lot of apartments, but also the demand is very high so it almost feels like buying show tickets. Even booking for viewing is not guaranteed, and usually they take a few parties for viewing at the same time, so you know you are competing with them lol A lot of apartments are not available until Sept or even later, so it seems like I might have to hold on for a little bit longer. I also will need to find another place to stay temporarily after travelodge.

I guess because everything is so uncertain and settling down and actually starting a new life routine seem to be very far away from now, I have just been feeling very uncomfortable mentally because of how much I need a comfort zone. So every morning and night when I lie on bed, I will imagine you being by my side. It makes me feel everything is slightly more bearable. :(

Oh and there are many dogs here and they are absolutely lovely 🥰 Every time I see them, it reminds me of you saying that you like small dogs. I don’t know why, but everything just reminds me of you even things don’t always have a strong relation to you. I guess I just really really really like you, and miss you. It’s been a very long time I actually heard and saw you, but this feeling is still as strong. I so wanna hold you tight so that I can feel calmer and less lonely. I miss having you next to me so that I can feel safe.


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