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Courage pill 💊

Today is one of the days that I need to have a big big cry as I go to bed. I worked for 12.5 hours not including meal time today (10:30am-8pm, 9:30pm-12:30am).

And my brother was angry at me because of something I said randomly after dinner, and he misunderstood my intention of saying that. He got emotional and even refused to talk about it when I wanted to clarify. But there's a voice in my heart that tells me I shouldn't just let it be and let such small thing to be a blockage in my relationship with him, so I let him calm down for 30 minutes and I asked him again if he wanted to talk it out with me.

I was actually very scared to make that step to reconcile because I was scared that he would reject me again and I would feel even more hurt. But I took the courage to do so anyway because I value the relationship, just like how I will take the courage to find you and speak with you many many times even knowing that you might reject and run away from me every time. It takes a lot of courage for someone like me to do that.

Miss you. Hope you are back from Thailand soon. Sorry, I am posting photo today for this blog. I will post another day when I feel better.

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