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Crazy weekend

Today is day 2 without parents! I went to meet one of my best friends. (The boy who grew up in church with me and now has a boyfriend, remember him?) He will be in the UK till end of Sept. He said he wanted to check out a canival in Notting Hill, so we accompanied him. Turns out it’s a carnival with 2 million people, and it’s so super crowded…and people were WILD. I don’t think I’ve been to a place like this before: loud music, dancing, smoking, drinking, and peeing on the street lol

It took us an hour to figure out how to leave the crowd lol The introverted me was definitely bothered by how loud everything is lol Luckily I had my brother to protect me so we survived hahaha

There were couples everywhere and they were so passionate. Not that I am a passionate person who wants to kiss on the street 🫣 but I definitely want you to be here and enjoy life together with me. It’s been sooooo long since I heard from you. It’s hard for me to not imagine how you have been doing, where you are at, whether you are happy or not. I try to write so much to you because I know you liked to hear about all the details of my stories. But in fact sometimes I also really really wanna know about you too. I miss you talking non stop next to me, and then I’ll just be very quiet next to you, but actually secretly admire you and enjoy your silliness. You are just never boring to me and you are adorable. But it’s okay, I guess I can imagine that in my head for a little bit longer.

I am falling asleep as I write, and then I realised I didn’t take any photo of myself today. So I’ll give you this ugly without make up look where I am going to bed. Good night.

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