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D day

It’s finally the day to leave 🥺

I had a super ‘fruitful’ day today — got my visa, finished a bunch of chores (I cleaned the toilets the last time 🥲), and did some final packing. This afternoon I felt a bit sentimental and I spent some time to sit down and think and pray for everything. I got quite teary but they were good tears. I am glad that I have the privacy alone at home to feel and process my emotions fully.

It’s 7:30pm now and I’m just waiting to leave to the airport. (I asked Edison to drive me to the airport haha) I have to admit that I’m starting to feel more nervous as time gets closer, maybe especially because I have been alone for the whole day. But I am confident that I am not starting this journey alone because I have God, you, my family and friends, and all of you who love me so much will always stay in my heart.

I hope to see you on the other side of the world. I miss you very dearly, and I’ll always think of you whenever I feel scared or weak, just as we promised :)

Here’s a selfie of me with my luggage 🧳

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