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Dad’s finally leeeeaving!!

Miss you. My digitalrav video of the day is the boxing video. You were wearing the red check shirt that I am keeping, makes it so real. And you look charming in the black tshirt too.

And yes. My dad is flying back to HK next Wednesday! I am just so happy especially at first he said to leave in Nov. I couldn't imagine living with him for another month. So this is probably the biggest good thing that has happened by far haha.

So from next week onwards, I'm gonna really start living alone. I think I'll probably miss you even more, like maybe a 3000 out of 100, what do you think?

My outfit on my day off

Escaped from where I live, tried to treat myself well with good food and solitude

The park I pass by every time I walk to school. My favourite part of the walk

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