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How are you, Andy? Been thinking a lot about how your life has been lately. The weather is finally getting cooler, more like what I was used to in the UK.

I booked my flight to the UK yesterday after getting through that sleepless night. Only my UK <-> HK tickets are booked for now. But my tentative itinerary looks like this:

11/1: Hong Kong -> London

I still haven't figured out where in the UK I will stay at because I no longer have an apartment at Kingston. But I will probably still stay near the southwest side.

18/1: Graduation ceremony

My mom seems to be thinking if she should come and attend my graduation and then go up to Manchester for some house viewing. But even if she is coming, she will only be here for the week (17/1-23/1).

25/1: London -> Frankfurt

This will be for the trade show for work.

29/1: Frankfurt -> Malta

I thought that since I'll be in Europe anyway, I will visit a really good friend (Jason) and his partner there.

1/2: Malta -> London

Nothing planned here. Just thought I'd like to enjoy solitude for a little bit longer.

7/2: London -> Hong Kong

I did spend quite a lot of time to think about this before I pencil down the dates and places. It's hard to say whether it's a well-planned trip because I will never know what will happen, and I will never know what my mental state will be like by that time. But at least I feel more at peace now with the current arrangement.

People travel because they want to see the world, enjoy life or take a break. But it seems like to me so far these things just aren't what I desire. To me, it's still more like I am going because I have to or should. I am still very far from realizing how to 'enjoy life'.

With my trips firmed up, it also means I will be in HK during my birthday, Christmas, new year, and then your birthday. I don't know how to feel about that. I am just trying to sort out my thoughts and emotions layer by layer now.

Miss you. Can't hold it back to tell you that I really miss you.

PS. Wore this on Sunday. For the first time my mom and brother said I look pretty. Haha.

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