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Day 1 / day 13

Today was the first day I am officially jobless, and I am already slightly concerned that I am just going to be lazier day by day zzz. I also start to worry that I won’t have much interesting story to share with you anymore because of how dull my every day is, and you may lose interest in reading what I write that is becoming more like a diary haha.

How I spent my first ‘free’ day: slept till 10, went to the bank to set up a global account, watched Obiwan Kenobi, napped, cleaned up a drawer full of expired paper and documents, watched more Obiwan (I actually finished the whole series in 1.5 day…)

Here is me binge watching Obiwan and enjoying ice cream after dinner 🙈

I quite enjoy a peaceful, stress-free day like this without any work emails or slack messages. But that also means I have more time and mind space to think about things, and often it’s all about you. Like how have you been doing, are you enjoying yourself, are you feeling better these days, is your family alright, do you still think of me, and it can go endlessly.

It’s been 13 days since you’re gone, and tomorrow it will be exactly 2 weeks. I still find it hard to believe that I haven’t had any contact with you for half a month. Sometimes when I close my eyes and flashback all the images of you, I can feel you almost like you’re real. But then when I try to look you up on social media or anything, I feel that you are just so far away.

Even though I am desperate to hear about you, I won’t risk to reach out to you just because I miss you too much. Because I know that you won’t prefer me to do that too. If you don’t find me, you probably have your own reasons, and giving you the space and time to figure things out by yourself is perhaps the best way for me to love you at this period.

So whenever I think about you too much that I start getting worried, I will just pray even harder for you and hope that God will guide you through whatever you are going though.

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