Hey dear, how have you been?
Earlier today, I posted my 1st close friend Insta story after a month. I asked for some kind words. Maybe because I've gone silent for so long, I got some responses very quickly, and they are so touching.
FYI: 53_siusao is Chris, nowyousreeme is Sree, and jeanlich is my first crush in uni, hahaha.
I was so overwhelmed by the responses that I cried for an hour while doing my coursework reading (so used to all the crying now).
That reminds me, I also want to speak over these truth to you that you might have forgotten:
You may not be the smartest, but you are the most creative person I've ever met. Because of that, I know that you'll be able to overcome whatever challenges that you are facing right now.
You have a kind heart that want to do good. I appreciate and am really proud of you for that.
Everytime I look at you, I see a precious soul that I want to pour my immense love on to it. You are adorable in my eyes.
One reason that makes me feel that my love for you is so so precious is that, I can always see good in you even when you deny or don't see them. I really love you Andy.
You're always in my thoughts.