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Day 126: a study update

Hello, I shared about my mental state in the last post, so I thought I can talk about something lighter this time.

In general I've been handling my study pretty well. In fact I feel the pace at class is a bit slow for me haha, probably because compared to my classmates, I am one of the few who has PM experience. Also, we are required to be really engaging in class to answer questions, but the English of my China and Taiwan classmates are just really poor lol, so it's hard to have quality discussions sometimes. Another thing that's a bit boring for me is there are tonessss of readings that we need to do off class. And I hate reading zzz (this reminds me of Neil haha)

But recently, it's finally getting slightly busier as we have to start working on a mini project. And guess what project I am assigned to — a rebrand project for a film festival! It always reminds me of you because it's film-related, and branding is basically what I did in Meyer, so this just feels weirdly familiar to me. It's called Barnes Film Festival, in case you are interested. We are supposed to help them for only 5 weeks, so I am trying hard to control myself to not turn into a workaholic and help them with everything just because I know how to do it. (You know the typical Hannah)

There's only a few weeks left for this first semester, so there'll soon be some essays and presentations. But I think I'll be fine, hopefully.

Showing you my most recent look :) This was taken when I was walking to school this morning. Feel like I am looking uglier everyday, and it's getting coooold.

Miss you a lot a lot a lot, my favourite Andy, especially your big warm hugs.

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