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Day 142

December. The cold. Christmas. My birthday.

I have never felt this uneasy. When your favourite month of the year that's supposed to be full of joy and love becomes one that's filled with loneliness and depression.

Put aside the mental stuff, there's so much to corp with. From learning how to take care of a frosty car, to figuring out how to save on my bills but still keep warm, all by myself. I haven't lived in a place that gets lower than 0 degrees before.

Today's the last day of school before the holidays, and then I'm having a 3-week break, without any plans.

The only real friend I have here (who took the below photo when she visited me last weekend) can't meet me for the rest of December because her parents are visiting and she'll be travelling.

I am just not sure how I can make it through this time. Sorry for spreading this negative energy again.

You know I love so, so so so much, like so so much. I want you so much because I want you to be loved, I want to spoil and sooth you in all kinds of ways that I can think of. Miss you more than ever.

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