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Day 2 since you’re gone

Hello, it’s been the second day since you’re gone. I miss you a lot, like a lot a lot that you appeared in my dreams two nights in a row! Sadly I don’t remember what exactly happened in my dreams, all I know is that both my heart and mind think of you every single moment whenever I can. I am still getting used to being totally cut off (like totally) from you, because now I can’t even look at when you were active on Facebook or if you posted anything on Instagram. I know having all these small clues don’t actually mean much but at least they made me feel you slightly a little bit more when you’re away. So it’s gonna take me awhile to get rid of this habit of clicking into your profiles less frequently. In fact I think I will still do it even I no longer can see anything from your accounts because that’s one of the ways for me to miss you.

Don’t worry, I am still doing okay — I eat enough, sleep enough (still grumpy though), and try to stay focus at work (it’s getting harder as my last day gets closer and I am just lazy zzzz). And I am finally on the last episode of stranger things season 4! I love it and I think of you a lot when watching it. Not gonna spoil it in case you haven’t watched it, but it’s about how each character overcomes their trauma and find their strengths to be strong again.

I hope you are safe and feeling stronger day by day. But even if you’re not, that’s okay too. As long as you know there’s always someone who’s constantly thinking of you, praying for you, and loving you. :)

👇🏻 A photo of my lunch at a coffee shop when I went out to Central to collect my passport yesterday :)

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