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Day 369

How are you my dear? I remember last time when we talked, you said you're going to move around July/August. I wonder if you've settled down and if you still have to work part time in kindergarten during summer holiday.

I've been staying at home a lot these days, except going to church on Sunday and maybe another weekday every week. Working for Meyer has occupied a lot of time including a lot of late night meetings with US (shouldn't even be a surprise I suppose). But that makes my progress on my thesis/graduate project quite slow, that's why I am staying home more to help myself focus.

I still cry a lot, at least once everyday (some are good cry). I find that I almost have to cry every morning before I start my day. But I can have less morning meetings when I'm in HK, so at least I can 'take my time' to struggle.

I guess I am now more used to the loneliness and being distanced from my 'friends'. Yesterday I went to a cafe at quarry bay alone after church. I sat outside and looked at the school I used to study. I suddenly felt maybe I can live alone forever haha, or I was just enjoying living in my own world.

PS. I saw your shots for the multipan on drive, I miss you. (I can imagine you complaining about your frustration with the project and things and I'd think you're lovely)

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