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Day 371

I have to go in to the office later today because it's William's last day. I feel very scared that I have been crying so hard on bed since I woke up.

I guess I don't fully understand where the fear comes from. I just feel very timid and tiny, and all of a sudden those memories become very real and big to me, and it makes me want to run away. I almost felt maybe I should just escape and make some excuses to not go back.

But I asked myself what would Jesus do if he was me. I think he would probably still go in and be with people, even if he still feels hurt and sad about the place and the people there who might have hurt him. He would probably still choose to be kind, be the light to those in need in a dark place.

I guess going in to an office probably isn't the exact same context as Jesus going into cities. It's also probably exaggerating to m think I am going in to be the light of anyone. But maybe showing up and helping people out at work is already a way to somehow demonstrate that.

I know I am going to miss you even more when I go into office.

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