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Day 379

I feel very sad today.

I got so much work to do and no one is supporting me. Vincent wants to see something, I started it and thought IF will work on it, but they didn't touch it at all and I finished it all by myself. The he asked me to help make a presentation for his board meeting next week, and I also have to make another presentation for an update meeting with him on Friday. Then the US side keeps asking for meetings with me and it's always 11pm and 12am HKT time. I had 3 last week and this week already.

There is no one who shares these work or support me mentally. My boss in UK isn't even involved in any of these. It's just all me, as usual.

And now I am wasting my time to cry when I have tones of work waiting for me. I miss that I could at least get a hug from you when I was overwhelmed. I miss you.

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