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Day 9

Helloooo, how’s your day? :)

My parents went to their friend’s house over the weekend, and my brother is watching an Arsenal match (lol) today, so I am alone on this Saturday. Sooo happy that I finally can have a few days break from attending to my parents. I am out to central London this afternoon, thought I’d walk around and do some (window, maybe?) shopping, then I will meet my brother for dinner.

I think about you all the time on the train while looking at this viewing.

I just think from how we met, how we got close, and then how I just fell in love with you completely. Just thinking about it makes my heart full. ❤️

I really enjoy walking alone along the street in this completely foreign place and just wander, while I keep thinking about you. It feels like I am bringing you with me as I discover everything new here, when you are deep in my heart. I am proud of myself for being brave enough to explore the world :) I think you will be proud of me too knowing that I am growing and learning to be strong. Miss you.

A selfie of me in a coffee shop :)

Update: So my window shopping plan failed. I bought this top that my mom will never let me wear. But I can’t help because I really like it. 🫣 It matches with my favourite white shorts!

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