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Day and night 🌙

Hello dear, how has your day been?

Today was not an easy day for me. I have been stressed because the due date of my dissertation is getting closer. But I have to handle work at the same time, so I have been working day and night including the weekends. I am also behind progress because I felt sick in the past few days due to my period.

Sometimes I really wish there's someone around who would encourage and comfort me when I am stressing out. But it's only my brother and I in HK now, and my brother doesn't really even talk to me these days. He'll watch tv during his dinner and just go straight to his room after. I guess it's because he's also very tired after a day of work. But I just wish someone could show me some support sometimes.

I miss you, especially when I feel stressed and panicked all alone. Tomorrow I have to go in to office one last time before I leave HK. I offered to treat everyone coffee because I want to spread some energy and support to them even though I no longer belong to the team. But I am feeling quite bad tonight, so I hope I can make it through tomorrow.

Good night, miss you.

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