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Drops of Jupiter

Been on bed all day today and it gave me a lot of time thinking about things. I came across this old song Drops of Jupiter by Train, not sure if you have heard of it?

My eyes were flooded with tears and I couldn't stop crying when I listened to it.

I don't know why the song made me imagine what if one day I really choose to leave the world, and people finally know the pain and depression I have been bearing, this perhaps may be one of the songs that they'll think of me when they hear it. I can feel the pain inside when listening to the song.

In the lyrics it said,

And tell me, did you fall for a shooting star?

One without a permanent scar,

and did you miss me

While you were looking for yourself?

It makes me miss you a lot too. You always feel like a missing piece that I am longing to find again. Those many many questions that I wish I could ask you and hear what you have to say.

I really miss you a lot and wanna hug you tightly.

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