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Goodness 🌱

Morning, today is one of the days that I found it extremely hard to wake up. I think one of the ways to describe it is, as if there's a grey filter added to my lenses, and all of a sudden everything that I used to do feels utterly meaningless, and everything I used to like feels no longer interesting.

There's usually nothing that I can do for myself to outweigh that hopelessness. All I can do is to turn to God and ask him for help once again. And his reminder for me today is that he wants me to remember this promise that he once gave me when I felt the same with these words in the Bible:

I remain confident of this:

I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Wait for the Lord;

be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

To believe that no matter how dying and suffering I may feel inside, he still has the ability to renew all things within and around me.

Times flies, this is my last week in HK. I hope you'll have a blessed week ahead. Sending you lots of love. 🤍

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