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Captured 📜

It's finally the last night before I go back to the UK. I am feeling a lot because this summer was very special to me in many ways. I want to make sure I capture them and share with you :)

1 The friends who stayed

I still feel like isolating myself a lot of times, but I will never forget the two friends who have been gently walking by my side. One is Vienna, she goes to church with me every Sunday and she baked me muffins for breakfast. Another is my therapist friend, who told me that my existence is a reminder for her that God is still here in the world.

2 The kids to serve

I had lunches with the kids at church and taught two of them keyboard. I learned how to serve and nurture the ones in need with a grateful heart, rather than feeling like it's a tiring job that I am forced to do. Also they are really cute :)

3 'Sorry for not being there in the past one year.'

Not sure if you remember that you said that to me during one of the hugs. That was actually the exact words I hoped to hear the most in the past one year. I often told God in bitterness that perhaps all I wanted to hear was a sorry from anyone in the world.

I am healed because of that hug and what you said. 🤍

4 You ❤️

Seeing you again is a dream that I don't even dare to dream of. It means a lot a lot to me, a lot a lot. It's more than just 'I can finally see you'. It is a life-changing 4.5 days for me, in many ways.

I also got to smell you, hear your voice, and feel that you are real.


I came back to HK 2.5 months ago with no expectations. I still feel torn apart and stressed about flying off. But I am choosing to also leave with a grateful heart. Grateful to God for showing me once again that he is still faithful and good despite the circumstances that I see myself in. And he will continue to be the same.

Here are the photos for today :)

I know I will miss you a lot. Probably an extra bit more when I am away. But thank you for being part of my 2023 summer :) love you and miss you.

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