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Hello from the other side

Hey, I am finally at Kingston. :)

Before sharing about my first day in the UK, I wanna share with you these unforgettable memories of my friends sending me off in the aiport.

They definitely made me feel loved. One of them gave me a letter, Jojo and Rubychu made me a ‘presentation deck’ about me. All those words they wrote for me melted my heart as I read them on the plane. I literally laughed with tears and I hope the lady next to me didn’t notice haha.

It definitely feels different when I had to fly alone instead of with my family. If I left together with them as planned, I probably would have put all my mental energy to make sure my parents were well taken care of during the travel and I wouldn’t have the mood and space to really look at this beautiful sky, and digest about everything that has happened.

I won’t forget how overwhelmed I was when I looked at this. It’s like I felt I could keep crying lol but it’s not fully because I was scared and sad, but because of all the self talk that I had internally.

Soooo after the 12ish hours flight and an uber trip, I am finally here :) I don’t know if it’s because I am still having jet lag or trying to get used to this new environment, I already felt bored the first day 😅 I am now kinda worried how I can survive for a year here alone zzz Maybe because of that I now miss you even more, and I can’t stop thinking if you can be here to explore this new place with me, I’ll probably feel way more safe here and everything will just be so much more interesting. I also can’t stop imagining how you lived in the UK before even this is not the exact same place. The more I imagine, the more I wish I can spend more time with you, anywhere in this world, as long as it’s you.

I am super sleeepy so I’m gonna stop writing tonight. Last thing I want to share is that it seems like it’s not easy to look for a place to rent here and the demand is just super high. I hope I can find a place to settle soon.

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