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I am who you say I am 🎨

Hello :) Decided to be vulnerable to you here today.

I was scrolling around Instagram earlier and saw something that I shouldn't have seen. It triggered a hidden emotion inside me, that you (& many others before you) didn't choose me in the end. It led me to a sudden breakdown, and I was swamped with thoughts of how others have better qualities than me and started counting my flaws and problems.

But as I was crying really hard about feeling unchosen because I am not good enough compared to someone else, God gently poked me in my mind and said 'Hey! Think of how I think about you.' And then I took a pause in my thoughts.

I could imagine God look me in the eyes and say, 'I made you exactly who you are. You may not have the best skins, sexiest body, most beautiful eyes, sweetest voice, best social skills, coolest personality....but you are perfect in my eyes. So fix your eyes on me, and know that you are loved.'

I decided to wake up from my cry and did a 'portrait' of myself. I know that this thought will always come back to me again, so I told myself that whenever I feel the same again, that I am not chosen because I am not good enough, I will look at this portrait and remember how I look in God's eyes :)

I suck at drawing but I like this portrait of myself. I hope this encourages you too, in case you forget, you are lovely in my eyes and I love you because of exactly who you are.

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