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☹️ I don’t know

Not in a very good mood today, I guess because I am still getting used to this whole new environment. My parents stayed in their friends’ house in Bristol for a night so it’s only my brother and I in the morning.

We went to a coffee shop for breakfast and then my brother had to go back to work remotely. So I decided to walk around to get myself more familiar with the town.

After that there’s nothing to do because my parents wanted to rest after their trip. So I basically binge watched Ms Marvel with my brother for the whole afternoon even I have actually watched it once haha.

But that’s basically all I did the whole day. I guess I feel a bit lost because there isn’t any routine that I can develop yet as we are travelling, but also we are not really coming for a holiday where you’d make good use of every day to go to different places. Also because we are staying at travelodge (I really hate travelodge but I have no say because I am not the one who’s paying 😪), it’s not comfortable at all to stay there for the whole day.

I really hope that I can find a place to rent asap so that I can settle sooner. But it’s been difficult because the demand is so high, so there’re very little options for one person. We are going to look ar two options tomorrow and the day after, but both of them are only available in Oct. So if I am so lucky to secure the place, I still won’t have any place to stay until Oct. That means there’ll be a long gap because the travelodge stay to moving in the new place, and I’ll have to figure out where to stay, not just for myself but my DAD as well.

That’s another thing that is frustrating me. My dad pisses my brother and I constantly with his nonsense and unrealistic expectations on everything. But also he’s getting a bit old now he’ even more stubborn, mean, and forgetful. And I just can’t imagine how I’m gonna deal with him after my mom and bro went back to the HK. It’s like every other minute I get annoyed by him.

With all these things, I just feel a bit overwhelmed by how new everything is that I need to get used to. That feeling makes everything very stressful for me and it’s not chill at all.

I’d definitely need you to cheer me up if you were here. You always found a way to turn the frown upside down, and made me feel better after being whiny. The harder it feels like for this period of transition, the more I miss you. 😔

I went for a bit of shopping and bought this skirt while my parents weren’t around. Thought of you when I was trying out this skirt, so I think I’d take a selfie for you again today. Maybe I should take a selfie for you everyday, what do you think? Will you get bored of me very soon though? ☹️

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