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I kept my promise :)

I want to record this 4d3n hospital journey and share with you :)

I was alone when I got called to go up to the ward because I told my parents to go have dinner. I was physically so weak and scared when I walked into the ward. I felt like crying every second especially when nurses asked me stuff. (Detailed version of this in another piece I posted lol)

Friday night and Saturday were still quite scary for me because I was still getting used to this place and doctor still hasn’t properly diagnosed my situation. I was still scared every time I got sent to do different kinds of tests even they are not supposed to be this scary. And for the rest of the time, I just slept, thought about life, cried a little, prayed, and wrote.

I was much more relieved when they told me that it was not appendicitis and it seems like the antibiotics are working, which means I won’t have to do surgery.

When I woke up on Sunday, I felt much better physically even doctor needed me to stay for another day. Then I attended church online. And Sunday service in a hospital just feels. so. different.

I’ve always enjoyed in person church service and felt so deeply recharged every time. But this week, attending it at a place where suffering and illness are all around, I could feel God’s strengthening power and hope shining through even deeper.

As I was listening to the worship songs they were singing, I was so overwhelmed by the hope that God wants me to experience. All of a sudden, I was being reminded of all the small little great things that I saw and experienced in the past few days here:

  • All the nice, warming nurses here, one even helped move away the mumbling por por opposite to me at night and muted all the equipment so that I could have a peaceful sleep.

  • One of the nurse looks so alike with my brother’s friend who’s always my favourite friend of him lol, made me feel so secured.

  • The suk suk at the CT scanning room who kept teasing me and asked if I lied when I said I haven’t had sexual activities recently lol, made me feel less nervous about the test I was gonna do.

  • The apple juice that I had after not being allowed to drink or eat for 3 days, tastes so. heavenly.

When I looked at the por por who kept mourning and mumbling and other patients who have been here for longer and seem more sick than me, all of the sudden I felt so overwhelmed to realise:

Being alive is already something enough to be grateful for.

That thankful feeling is sooo overwhelming that I just couldn’t stop crying (good kind of tears). I know I said silly things like I am scared and things are too difficult that I just want to give up so much. Even when I knew that I had to stay in the hospital, I was so defeated and I couldn’t help ask God: why?

But maybe God knows that at this point of my life, all I need is the ‘silence’ of being away from everything and everyone in the past few days, so that I can regain at least a bit of my internal strength as I rest. I know I am getting better day by day and I will recover fully one day.

Thank you for being my another source of strength too, Andy :) I hope you find your internal strength through the way too.

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