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Independence Day

I sent my dad off to the airport to fly back to Hong Kong today, and I am finally. After almost 50 days. Living alone officially in this foreign country. I tidied things up and even adjusted the layout of the living room immediately after I got home.

I don't know. Maybe because I've never been this 'alone' before, it feels kinda strange and a little scary to me. The last time I lived alone was when I went for exchange, but that was only for 3 months and I met Sree quite very soon.

But this time, it really feels like I can completely disappear from the world, hide in this place where no one truly knows me.

I put up our photo next to my bed tonight. Excuse my poor photography skills. Now that nobody is watching, I can spend as much time as I want to think about you.

Hmmmm that probably means all the time.

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