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Ridiculous me 🍼

What did you do today?

Today, my boss raised a debate with Howe in one of my meetings where the Disney people were also there. It was about some same old issues and it wasn't directed towards me even though it's sort of related to me (because I am the Disney PM).

After that call, I don't know why I suddenly felt very sad and scared, and I had to retreat to my bed to cry for a bit. I kept telling myself 'it's okay, it's just a normal conversation at work.' at that moment. This must sound super silly if anyone knows. It took me an hour to calm down. That hour I felt I was this girl in Monsters Inc.

Sometimes I feel I am such a difficult person to handle. This is a typical example of me being ridiculous. I can suddenly get very sensitive to any imperfections in the world. I can't even properly explain why I cried.

I think I feel slightly better now after crying and comforting myself that things are okay.

Miss you.

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