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June 2

Today is a very sad day. My car wasn't starting suddenly when I needed to go out for grocery shopping. Probably the battery is dead. This has been my nightmare since day 1 when my dad decided to leave the car here because I don't know how to handle situations like this. I called my dad and he was like he's out for dinner and signal's bad, and asked me sort it out myself.

I have already been very stressed about work, I am supposed to be a part time but I have worked full time hours for a whole month with a lot of overwhelming responsibilities while I am still also a full time student. Also because of my unstable mental situation, I can't do many hours straight. I have to take breaks throughout the day to settle my emotions. Sometimes it takes the entire afternoon, and then I always end up working at night till 11pm to finish the minimum for that day.

Then I have a PM certification exam next week which is a difficult exam that I haven't prepared for. And now even my car is not behaving...and I just really don't have time to deal with it.

I feel really frustrated and I have been spending the entire afternoon crying and it doesn't seem to be's like I know there's a lot waiting for me to get done but I just can't carry on at all. There isn't anyone who understands my frustration and it's just me only again comforting and listening to myself in the dark place. Maybe it's just me being silly to freak out for these things. I think I am having serious problems with how tough it is to cope with all these within me.

That's the update I have...sorry it's not any good news at all. Thank you for 'listening' to me...

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