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Let’s pray for some miracle lol

So I am supposed to fly out on Wednesday night but I STILL haven’t got my visa as of now zzzzzz which means I can’t leave because they collected my passport. And I checked with the travel agency / airline, I’ll need to pay HKD 12K more to change my flight because there’re only business class seats left for Qatar Airways for the ENTIRE August…zzzzzz The problem is that even if I change my flight, there’s no guarantee for when my visa will be ready. It says it will be ready within 15 working days and tomorrow will be the 15th day. There’s also no phone number that I can call to check about my visa application status. So basically there’s nothing that I can do now aside from waiting.

I am going to go to the visa centre tomorrow during the standard passport collection hours to see if there’s anything that I can ask or do. But this situation is definitely stressing me out zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Aside from that there’re just million more things that can stress me out, such as the never ending packing, making sure I settle my room before I leave, my parents endless questions about all kinds of things. So I have just been in this zzzzzzzzzz mode the whole day zzz

I feel I am just too busy and stressed to make sure I don’t forget anything, I can’t feel any other kinds of emotions already. I guess I will probably cry about leaving HK only after I left HK.

Zzzzzzz I miss you

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