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Little tour of my neighbourhood and apartment

As promised, I took the opportunity to make a little tour of my neighbourhood and new apartment one day when my dad was out. Don't know if you'll have to time and space to watch it though, I hope you do one day.

It will definitely take me some time to call this place a 'home'. In fact maybe it'll never be a 'home' for me.

It's my everyday wish that you can be here with me.

Couldn't sleep tonight so I looked at our conversation on Whatsapp all over again, it makes me smile and cry at the same time. The 'stock check' story you wrote when I asked you what you would do to me if I let you have full control of me; the big girl in the room imge from Alice in the wonderland that you used to describe how big I am in your head.

You really are my all-time one and only 10 out of 10. No one has ever stolen my heart this way. No one has ever made me feel so loved, and made me wanna fall in love this much. If I were ever given the choice to choose if I wanted to know this guy called Andy Lee in my life, my answer will still forever be Yes after everything that has happened.

I miss you.

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