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Milestone 🚩

Hello dear, I recorded a video for you today :)

After working day and night because I have to still keep work on track while doing this, I am finally on 5000 words!

It's actually still a long way to go, as I need to proof read, add back references and images. And when I said I have 1 more week, that actually includes another 30mins presentation which I haven't started AT ALL...

I also wanted to share with you that this morning I woke up feeling like I really needed a 'break' from work and this dissertation and everything else. (I have been doing 10am-12:30am everyday trying to manage everything) In my world, that usually means I need a breakdown because I am not functioning. Then I suddenly remembered this verse in the Bible said by Jesus, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

That moment I felt God's reminder to me was, that morning he just wants me to come to him and let him wrap me in his love. And he wants me to remember that I am his child. Because of that he will make sure that I am okay.

Time flies, I am leaving in 4 days, and I am probably totally unprepared mentally and physically. But I decided to let myself just lie on bed early tonight to rest and slowly write to you 🤍 miss you my dear.

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