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Post birthday

Miss you, Andy.

I got sick after my birthday, so I have been sleeping for the entire day today. I actually don't know if my immune system is related to my mental state, but it's a bit like the crying 'evolved' into physical sickness that I got puffy eyes, blocked nose and feel very dizzy.

I don't have many activities this Christmas holiday, only gonna go to church on the 24th (it's Sunday) and have vocal class on the 26th.

My brother is going out with Sammi almost everyday these days. Sometimes he even goes out super late, like 10pm after dinner and doesn't come home until the next morning. He is definitely spending Christmas with her too, and new year's eve. He said Sammi asked if she can go to Japan with him, and he said yes.

I hate that I feel sad about that just because it makes me feel even more lonely. I also don't like the part of me who feels jealous about him and many others. I should feel glad for my brother. I am but it's just that the loneliness feels way bigger.

I miss you, Andy. I hope you stay warm these days. Miss you a lot.

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