Miss you, dear.
Can't believe I made it through today. Not just made it through but I think I did fairly well. I went in office at 8am, engaged in all the meetings, I socialised with the Australia team during dinner (with no familiar company around me). Their sales director really likes me because I've been really helpful and supportive to her, and she kept asking me to visit her and invited me to stay at her home when I'm there.
Of course it's been a super, super tiring day for me (you know Hannah well). But I know I already did my very best, as best as I could as a depressive person.
I went home for an hour before I went out for dinner, and when I was driving home, I told God how tiring these few days have been. And God's response to me was he wants me to remember that he showed up in my darkness, led me out of it, and called me to shine and be the light in the world. But whilst I take courage and go out there to live out my purpose for him, I can always remember that if I ever feel overwhelmed by the world, I can always retreat back and find rest in him, knowing that he is the God who really loves me and sees all the effort I have put in even when no one else in the world sees. And when the world seems scary and difficult, I can be at peace knowing that I am safe in his hands. I felt very touched and comforted.
Love you very much and miss you.