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Sink in ☔️

Hello, my dear. I miss you.

Today I heard a few things, my heart is kinda heavy especially I am meant to keep it secret. But I guesss I can share it with you because you are my best best friend.

My brother got laid off at work. He was told that it's a restructure of the company. He's actually quite happy and relieved about it because he's been thinking to leave for a while but he had to wait until he passed an exam to get a cert, which he just did last Thursday. So it's kinda a perfect timing and he's just happy to 'go with the flow'.

But as her sister of course I'll worry about him, especially he's now alone in HK. Aside from that I also knew that two colleagues in Meyer US were let go. I actually am not very close to them, but I just kinda feel sad to hear about it.

Adding all these together made me feel a lot. But I was also questioning myself because it's not like these things happened on me. But I just couldn't help but feel really really sad for them and I started crying a lot. So I just had a pause and talked to myself. I told myself that, it's okay that I am feeling a lot even though it might not'make sense'. Let's slowly digest it.

Sorry I don't have any photos for you today, as I am still in this mode of letting my feelings sink in. I do miss you. I think a lot about you and wonder how you are doing.

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