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Sunday London

Helloooo. My parents went to visit their friends today at Bristol so it’s just my brother and I. We decided to go to central London to have a walk around because we didn’t know where else to go hahaha.

It’s such a relaxing and chill day because we basically didn’t plan any itinerary, and we just go where ever we want to go. Here are the highlights:

Coffee before we started the day :)

It takes only 30ish minutes to get to the Waterloo station from Kingston, it’s actually quite convenient!

Sunday service in a mega church

We visited this church that is quite famous in the modern Christian church community. It felt like we went to a ‘show’ haha

Walking around Regent Street

I did a bit of WINDOW shopping, finally visited my favourite kong girl boutiques!! I am so proud of my self control because I left the shop without spending a single penny 🙃 Also went to H&M home here, and it’s huuuuuge. Can’t wait to buy a lot of stuff for my apartment later hahaha

Sherlock Holmes Museum

My brother and I decided to go to Baker Street and checked it out haha. It’s OK I guess…?

Regent’s Park

We had nothing to do and my brother needed to text his girlfriend, so we went to sit in a park. It’s quite nice until we saw rats…lol We left immediately after haha. This is a selfie I took secretly for you because I kept thinking about you 🙈

The weather has been very nice these past few days so I really enjoyed the time outdoor.

After that we went back to Kingston for dinner, and it’s the first time I walked around the town without my parents. Because it’s just my brother and I, we had more time to really explore the streets (my dad hates walking). Then I discovered that there’s another side of the town centre that we never went to in the first few days, and that area is waaay more relaxing and beautiful! Now I feel slightly more excited about Kingston, and I decided to walk around the town by myself tomorrow so then I can really look at it in more details. I hope I will like this town more over time.

There isn’t a time I don’t miss you, especially when I took the train to London, I thought about you a lot, like a lot a lot a lot. Can I give you a hug? 🥺

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