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Tell me about your weekend

You always liked to ask me that when we met after the weekend. Sharing about all the unimportant details of it with you was probably what I looked forward to the most in a blue grumpy Monday.

I don’t know if you’ve read my previous post about how I feel stressed about meeting friends and families for my farewell, but despite how uncomfortable I imagined it to be like, I tried hard to encourage myself to attend and enjoy these gatherings, and I DID IT. (👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I need some appreciation here)

On Saturday, I went to sing karaoke with the trainee gang! It was super hot so this is my summery outfit :) Do you like it? 🙈

I haven’t been to karaoke for yearsss since Covid, and it definitely made me feel young again. We had a bit of time before dinner after karaoke, so we were walking around MK. We walked pass a lot of places that I went together with you and it made me miss you so much. And I don’t know why that I was so scared that I might bump into you and your girlfriend, so I had to tell Rubychu that I don’t feel comfortable walking around Langham. But I felt much better as we sat down for dinner, and I am really grateful that after dinner, they walked around with me to look for my sang sui beng gifts.

Speaking of that, I did quite a bit of shopping in the past few days to get stuff for Jenny, my drum class teacher, and other Meyer colleagues. I am going to write another post to share about something that I am learning from this :)

Then on Sunday, I went to kids Sunday school and church in the morning as usual, then to the pancake shop in Sheung Wan with a friend from church. I am glad that I get to meet and chat with her even though we didn’t touch on our relationships because I didn’t feel like talking about it. Also, this is the last time that I can have this pancake because they are closing down next week 😢 (I know, the pancake that you said was just OK 👌🏻)

After that I went back home for farewell dinner with my mother’s side of family. It was tiring but I tried my best to engage with them (while watching Spider Man lol), because afterall they came all the way to meet me. Aaaand I’ve got some lai see 🧧 and…a bouquet! It definitely feels weird because as you know I don’t like flowers…(these dried flowers are already slightly better), and I am just embarrassed when people hand me flowers 🙈

But I still appreciate it because I know they get me flowers because they care about me. And I am just slowly learning to accept people’s care and love even when I’d rather be alone.

How about you? How was your weekend? I hope you had a nice weekend. And I hope the coming week is not gonna be too difficult for me as I have to say more goodbyes.

Miss you, a lot.

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