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The trip

Set off my 11-day of business trip at 6:30 in the morning. Feeling unsure and sleepy.

Work stuff. I mainly came to visit some launches that I have been supervising and supporting. Seeing it in reality makes me quite proud of how far they have come along. Also proved to myself it's worth going the extra miles to help people even at work.

Went to a husky cafe over the weekend in Thailand.

Hotel room in Thailand + A dress I bought there.

Flying off to Singapore. So much I wish I was flying home instead. Dropped quite a bit of tears as I finally landed in Singapore.

A lot of business socialising. Going to the Disney office leading a meeting and presenting, bonding with the local teams, listening to their vent about how tough their work is. Finally I got a chance to have my old time fav SG style chicken rice (although I like white chicken) alone in a food court.

I thought I would feel nostalgic when I am in SG. Turns out everything I see and hear seem familiar, but I no longer feel the same as when I used to be here. I remember those days. But the feelings associated with those memories are getting vague. I didn't dare to visit the old places I used to go though. I don't think I have to anyway.

Hotel room in Singapore. Been spending a lot of time to work here. Finally going home today.

My learning in the spiritual journey over the 11 days:

  • Choosing to get out of bed each day and continue giving what I am able to give to the world despite my despair is an act of trusting God. Believing that while I focus on doing my best in the places and people that he has put me in and with at this period of time, he will take care of things that hold dear to me but are beyond my reach and control.

  • Slow down on my decisions and reactions that are driven and triggered by stress, disappointment, fear, and emptiness. Seek God and ponder on those thoughts until I find peace to move forward with anything I say or do in response to those feelings. There is no need to rush.

Possibly the most beautiful landing I've ever seen.

PS. Came across this. I remember I liked to say you have ADHD, look at this list you definitely have ADHD:

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