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Thursday 4️⃣

Hi dear,

I hope I didn't piss you off with what I gave you. I hope you understand the intention behind it that is because I can't give you anything else physically or tangible that don't cross the boundary when I really want to give you everything.

You probably are thinking that I am the most silly person in the world. But I hope you don't forget that Hannah is also not a dumb person. Hannah knows what she is doing and is very conscious about every step and choice she's made.

I decided to write another blog about what I wanted to share and chat with you today so that this one won't be too long.

For today, I want to thank you for coming back for this job. You may not understand, but for someone who has depression, I consider it a bonus that I can see you in person again.

So don't feel sorry that you couldn't have a proper chat with me, I understand that because you came here for work and you should prioritize to get it done.

I am also glad that I got to secretly admire you when you're filming. I took a picture of you :) I want to even change it as my wallpaper so that I can look at it every other second, but that'll be too creepy, hahaha.

Andy, you have no idea how much I love you. I hope you had a glimpse of it in the past 4 days. To me, a day of waiting in that room in exchange for even just a short walk with you is totally worth it.

It's extremely hard for me to let you go today. But I understand that you have to, at least for the time being. This is also part of my love for you.

As I said, I will miss you a lot, I already am. And while I'm missing you, there's also a lot of mountains waiting for the depression me to climb. But I will remember that if I press through them, I will be an even stronger Hannah. And when we meet again (hopefully soon), you will meet an even stronger but still silly Hannah.

(And I will also let you help me choose what outfit to wear)

Love you.

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