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Hello dear, I started working at 7:30am and finished at 12:30am today, but I still want to write to you before I rest :)

I had to start early because I had a meeting with Vincent at 8am. I spent a lot of time and effort to get what he asked to see already, but he was still asking for more. And I came out from the meeting feeling defeated because I felt I still struggle to manage him (remember I now no longer have that additional layer to absorb that expectation from him). But at the same time I felt unfair because what he's asking me to do is far beyond my original expertise on PM and creative.

I as expected had my breakdown moment after it. But then I came across this reminder that really just spoke straight to my heart at that moment. It said (as translated in English), sometimes when we feel challenged or disapproved, it's not always because that we did something wrong, but perhaps just because those are areas that God wants us to grow in and work on.

I felt so comforted, especially at that moment I felt no one will understand why I felt that way and why I would have breakdowns after work meetings. But it's like God immediately wanted to comfort me before I even asked, and he gently said, it's not my fault. Just because it didn't go as I wished, it doesn't mean I did terribly. It's just because He believes in my potential and know that I can stretch further.

Miss you, I look VERY UGLY today because of my period and lack of sleep and too much cry (hehe). But I promised you I will take some photos so here is how best I can look today 😪

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