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Monday 1️⃣


So turns out your shoot is super tight and busy. It's okay, it must be stressful especially with a lot of others there. I also understand it is important you focus to get the shots done on schedule.

Since I don't even know if there is any chance that you'll 'sit down and talk' with me in the next few days, I will just write the short version of what I wanted to say to you so much in person:

Andy, you don't have to go down that road. You are much more than your mistakes, much more than the choices you have made. All those things that your partner may have called you or said that you are or things that you keep telling yourself, they are all lies.

Do you know what breaks my heart the most? It's not because that you can't be with me. It's because that you allow yourself to be ruined. You have a lot of great qualities that only you have. People who truly love you want to see you thrive. And me? I just want you to break all those lies and live out a fruitful life in freedom, that you will never have to be stressed just because you are 17 minutes late to home because of work, and that you can connect with your old friends and make new ones whenever you want.

I endured indescribable pain for months, flew 12 hours over despite how scared I am to be back. I kept myself alive. Just so that I can one day meet you again and tell you the above that I was too lost and strengthless to tell you a year ago. You know what the truth is and you still have that diming light within you. It's time to light it up again, for youself and those who really really love you.

I will never give up on you. Even though I might not even have a chance to talk to you, even though you might be too hurry to come to the room next to the toilet to say hi, I will still come in for the next few days, not because I have any meetings, it's just so that you KNOW I will always be here waiting, nearby you and your heart.

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